
Tibertour comprises all a series of events of riverine outdoor tourism along the Tiber River during all the year.

The seven days Tiber descent is the main event and each year, in order to add new experiences, can change stages and locations. Always check the yearly DIT edition for information.

Stages of Yearly edition

From the 25th of April to the 1st of May 2024, 7 stages from Città di Castello, in Umbria, to Rome.

  • 25th of April: Città di Castello-Trestina- P (ww2,12km), C (30km), W (15km); starting time 12:00
  • 26th of April: Trestina-Umbertide – (ww2, 17km), C (22km), W (15km); operational time 8:00
  • 27th of April: Umbertide-Ponte Pattoli – P (ww2, 20km), C (32km), W (15km); operational time 8:00
  • 28th of April: Ponte Pattoli –Pretola – P (ww2, 10km), C (30km), W (10km) On wheel transfer; operational time 8:00
  • 29th of April Monterotondo-Settebagni P – (ww1, 19km), C (30km); operational time 8:00
  • 30th of April: City of Rome to the Aniene River to the Tiber – (ww2, 8 km), C (20 km), W (8km); operational time 8:00
  • 1st of May: Rome city center along the Tiber – P (ww2, 9 km), C (20km), W (6 km); operational time 8:00

WW (wild water) scale; P=Paddling; C=cycling;  W=walking

details here in Italian…

(more 360photos into Mappatevere360 collection)


Recommended equipment for paddling in a WW2 class river details here…
